Korea hub (22) 썸네일형 리스트형 Japanese game shut down Korea Rural Development Administration Website. Recently released japanese game Sakuna of rice and ruin is a RPG game. The main goal of this game is Killing Onni's by raising character abilities. And to increase abilities you need to farm rice. Therefore farming is highlighted in this game.. And normally when you imagine farming game is mostly like... Stardew Vally or Minecraft. That you simply spread the seeds and give water & Soil. The syst.. When Paparazzi take shots I can't imagine the distance.. When Korean say little bit of Garlic HAHAHAHA That's legit Korean Korea Pretty girls Refference :OnlineBlog for Korean Male Dressing up like a girl Korean food that can make you CHUBBY!! Dukkboki, Rice cake = Carbo Gochujang , Sugar = Carbo How Algorithms works in YouTube Korea OK Alphago You get it. My first trial on Cheesestick get away from me!!!! Great way to wake you up OK It works too much HAHAHAHA 이전 1 2 3 다음